Wednesday, September 16, 2009

** Kueh Raya Hunt **

Last night I went shopping for kueh raya. And so I went to PKNS. There are a lot kueh raya over there and they are cheap too! Da nak raya kan, sebab itulah lelong dgn murah sekali. So pe gi, kita pon borong laa kueh2 tersebut. There are also kerepek, kacang2, and kueh batang buruk. Borong lagi. Hahaa. Raya setahun sekali je kan, so tape laa borong je. :D

By looking at those kueh raya and kerepek2 that I just bought, I just can't wait to go home to see those faces, waaaa! Tak sabarnya nak balikkkk.... Padahal keje esaimen bertambun gi ni. T_T

Hopeefully, my baju raya is ready tuk raya. Kasut raya tade lagi, pakai yang 2 tahun lepas je laa.

A few weeks a go, I bought something for my bapak, and I told him bout that. Then the next day he sent me a message said that " No need to buy me anything. I've everything already". Guess, I have to give it to some one else. Kecik ati jugak laa. Huhuuu.

For my mom, I guess the kueh raya is more that enough. My mom loves to eat. She even told me before, if I want to buy her anything, buy her something she can eat. So I guess the kueh2 and kerepek2 are more than just enough. Gosh, I mish her much.



  1. waaaaaaaa.. kueh raya.. huuhuh.. tak dpt nak rasa kueh tahun nih.. huhuh

  2. duwenk SELAMAT HARI RAYA! eh, nape plak takleh rasa kueh raya tahun ni?
